
Central de Cledes
N-230 Road Km. 181 · 25540 Les (Lleida)

- Efficiency (PCI) 41%
- Average technical availability 72%
- REE 73%
- Self-consumption 6%
ARAN facilities are an example of sustainable industrial development. The plant includes a cogeneration facility with 5 Rolls Royce of 3.030 kW engines fueled with liquefied natural gas (LNG), brought by tanker from the port of Barcelona and a 1.2 MW turbine with a total authorized discharge power to the grid of 15 MW, a CO2 recovery plant with a recovery capacity of 2 tons / hour and an associated fish farm owned by Caviar Nacarii, an industrial customer that is supplied with heat to stimulate the growth of sturgeons for the annual production of 850 kg of high quality caviar.
ARAN is managed by qualified mechanics and electronics operators. Their involvement with the plant and the population where they reside is absolute. The company works closely with the municipality of Les and the Val d ‘Aran government authorities to promote the environment, gastronomy and quality of tourism in the town.