
Crta. Fuente de Piedra, Km. 2,529520
Fuente de Piedra (Málaga)

- Efficiency (PCI) 42%
- Average technical availability 83%
- REE 61%
- Self-consumption 3%
Fuente de Piedra Gestión
These facilities were acquired by Neoelectra in 2010. Together with the Biomass plant associated with this facility, they make up an industrial site that generates electrical energy discharged into the network and exhaust gases for drying and reducing waste associated with the olive sector, the alperujo. The facility has a cogeneration system with 6 Innio Jenbacher engines of 2.73 MW each, which represents an authorized supply power to the grid of 16.43 MW per hour that operate in a 24-hour regime.
These facilities are managed by qualified mechanics and electronics operators, all of them resident in neighboring towns.