
Santa Filomena, s/n
41430 La Luisiana (Seville)

- Efficiency (PCI) 39%
- Average technical availability 85%
- REE 61%
- Self-consumption 3%
These facilities supply electrical energy to the network and exhaust gases for drying and reducing waste associated with the olive sector, the alperujo. This by product can be reused as fuel or as organic fertilizer.
The facilities consist of a cogeneration plant with 4 Innio Jenbacher engines of 1.86 MW each, (fueled with LNG liquefied natural gas brought in tankers from the port of Huelva) which represents a total authorized discharge power to the grid of 7 MW. The plant is managed by qualified mechanics and electronics operators who are part of the Neoelectra La Luisiana staff in Andalusia.